Conference on Recent Trends in Science, Technology and Innovation

19 to 21 March 2025 | Pokhara University

​Abstract Submission ​​​​​​​​​​​R​e​g​i​s​t​r​a​t​i​o​n

About Conference

The conference on Recent Trends in Science, Technology, and Innovation (RTSTI) was started in the year 2022 by a joint effort of the Gandaki Province Academy of Science and Technology (GPAST) Pokhara, Higher Education Institutions of Gandaki Province along with processional societies, and Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations actively working in the field of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) in Nepal. The conference brings together many researchers, professionals, students, policy makers as well as civil society activists at one platform to showcase the latest STI achievements and frame the future roadmap in the field of STI aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals.

The GPAST coordinates all the stakeholders working in the field of STI and every year one HEI voluntarily hosts the conference in association with the supporting HEIs. The three episodes of RTSTI have been successfully accomplished at Paschimanchal Campus, Prithvi Narayan Campus, and Pokhara Forestry Campus in 2022, 2023, and 2024 respectively. 

RTSTI has been established as an outstanding platform to showcase the contemporary research in the field of STI in Nepal due to its continuity and wider outreach. The gracious presence of the Nobel Laurate, Sir Richard John Roberts expanded the horizons of RTSTI to an international level. On behalf of Pokhara University, Pokhara University Research Center (PURC) expressed the interest to organize RTSTI2025 during the valedictory session of RTSTI2024 and all the partners unanimously agreed to organize the conference in Pokhara University (PU).

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Theme of the Conference

Advocacy, Diplomacy, and Ethics in Science and Technology

Biodiversity, Forestry, Environment, Climate, and Disasters

Biological Science, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics

Chemistry and Allied Sciences

Digital Technology, Artificial Intelligence, and Cybersecurity

Energy and Power Systems Engineering

Food and Agricultural Sciences

Health and Medical Sciences

Infrastructure Engineering and Technology

Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Knowledge Economy

Mathematical and Data Science

Physics and Allied Sciences

Important Dates

23 February 2024
Conference Announcement
29 December 2024
Call for Abstract 
28 February 2025
Last Date for Abstract Submission
9 March 2025
Last Date of Registration
19 to 21 March 2025
Conference Date

Registration Fee​​

Student (Domestic)

NPR 2000.00

Faculty & Researcher (Domestic)

NPR 3500.00

Guest (Domestic)

NPR 1500.00/day

Student (International)

UD$ 50.00

Faculty & Researcher (International)

US$ 100.00

Guest (International)

US$ 20.00/day

Bank Information 

 Bank Name: Nepal Investment Mega Bank Limited
Account Name: Pokhara University
Account Number: 01101030252805
Swift code: NIBLNPKT
Remarks: RTSTI2020