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The conference on Recent Trends in Science, Technology, and Innovation (RTSTI) was started in the year 2022 by a joint effort of the Gandaki Province Academy of Science and Technology (GPAST) Pokhara, Higher Education Institutions of Gandaki Province along with processional societies, and Governmental and Non-Governmental Organizations actively working in the field of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) in Nepal. The conference brings together many researchers, professionals, students, policy makers as well as civil society activists at one platform to showcase the latest STI achievements and frame the future roadmap in the field of STI aligning with the Sustainable Development Goals.

The GPAST coordinates all the stakeholders working in the field of STI and every year one HEI voluntarily hosts the conference in association with the supporting HEIs. The three episodes of RTSTI have been successfully accomplished at Paschimanchal Campus, Prithvi Narayan Campus, and Pokhara Forestry Campus in 2022, 2023, and 2024 respectively. 

RTSTI has been established as an outstanding platform to showcase contemporary research in the field of STI in Nepal due to its continuity and wider outreach. The gracious presence of the Nobel Laurate, Sir Richard John Roberts expanded the horizons of RTSTI to an international level. On behalf of Pokhara University, Pokhara University Research Center (PURC) expressed the interest to organize RTSTI2025 during the valedictory session of RTSTI2024 and all the partners unanimously agreed to organize the conference in Pokhara University (PU).

Pokhara University Research Center (PURC) will be hosting RTSTI2025 together with its constituent and affiliated academic institutions. It is a proud opportunity for PU to bring together emerging to well-established researchers, innovators, inventors, entrepreneurs, and policymakers from the different interdisciplinary domains of basic to applied sciences. It will accommodate over 200 participants including invited speakers, oral presenters, and poster presenters working in Nepal and abroad in the diverse fields of STI including, but not limited to, physical sciences, chemical science, biological sciences, agricultural sciences, veterinary sciences, health and medical sciences, mathematical sciences, computer science, data science, environmental science, engineering, information technology and artificial intelligence. The faculty members, researchers, and students of Pokhara University will be greatly benefitted by participating in the conference and it will open multiple opportunities of collaboration for the research in the coming days.

Objectives of the Conference

The key aim of RTSTI2025 is to bring emerging as well as experienced researchers, students, educators, innovators, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and relevant stakeholders at one platform to showcase achievement and envision future directions in the field of STI.

  • To provide a professional forum to present and discuss the latest breakthroughs  
  • To facilitate interactions and collaborations between the leading experts and the next generation of scientists in science, technology, and innovation
  • To discuss and recommend the STI friendly policy intervention measures to the Higher Education Institutions and Federal, Provincial, and Local Governments
  • Publish abstracts and full papers in special issues of Pokhara University Journals.

Pokhara University (Organizer)

Founded in 1997 under the Pokhara University Act, 1997, Pokhara University (PU) is a leading academic institution in Nepal, embodying a multi-university system introduced in the country in 1983. The university was conceived with the vision to provide quality higher education and contribute significantly to the nation’s socio-economic development. Operating as a non-profit, autonomous institution, PU is funded through a combination of grants from the Government of Nepal, revenues from student fees, and contributions from affiliated colleges.

Located in the scenic city of Pokhara, PU is guided by the Honorable Prime Minister of Nepal as the Chancellor and the Honorable Minister for Education as the Pro-Chancellor. The Vice Chancellor, appointed by the Chancellor, is the principal executive officer, with the Registrar overseeing financial management and administration. PU’s governance structure ensures that the university remains focused on its core mission of providing accessible and high-quality education.

Pokhara University’s mission is to foster excellence in higher education by enhancing teaching, learning, and research activities. It aims to produce job-market-ready, responsible, and productive human resources who are committed to national and global welfare. The university also emphasizes community service, linking academic pursuits with the broader societal needs. Its vision is to be a leader in education, promoting academic excellence, health, and social development through comprehensive and community-focused educational programs.  The university’s primary objectives are to develop skilled human resources in diverse fields such as science and technology, humanities, management, law, and education. PU encourages private sector participation in higher education through extension programs, aiming to create a disciplined academic environment that fosters innovation, critical thinking, and socio-economic transformation. With a focus on producing competent professionals, PU contributes to the national development process and strives to integrate academic research with the curriculum to strengthen knowledge creation and dissemination.

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Gandaki Province Academy of Science & Technology (Co-Organizer)

Gandaki Province Academy of Science and Technology (GPAST) is an autonomous institution founded by the Gandaki Province Government under the “Gandaki Province Academy of Science and Technology Act 2076” in 2020. The head office is situated in Pokhara, Kaski, Nepal.The academy brings together multidisciplinary stakeholders for executing activities related to Science, Technology, and Innovations (STI)  to create a suitable atmosphere for research and innovations in Gandaki Province. Furthermore, the academy also promotes the skills and knowledge of youths, scientists, and technicians for preparing them to lead the STI sector in Gandaki Province, while contributing toward sustainable utilization of resources and holistic development of Gandaki Province through research and innovation in science and technology.

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